Organizer: Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Unit

  • Conference themes:

Urban planning and knowledge-based architecture:
– Knowledge-based urban development and urban competitiveness
– Knowledge-based urban development and urban branding
– Knowledge-based urban development and urban orbital event
– Knowledge-based urban development and urban smartening
– Knowledge-based urban development and creative city

Urban resilience:
– Urban resilience in the face of natural disasters
– Urban resilience in the corona and post-corona era
– Urban resilience and a model of good urban governance
– Urban resilience and public participation and citizen empowerment
– Urban resilience in worn-out tissues

Sustainable development in architecture and urban planning:
– The concept of architecture and sustainable urban development in the contemporary era
– Urbanization and sustainable urban development
– Sustainable architecture and smart buildings
– Native architecture and sustainability
– Sustainable architecture and climate change and how energy is consumed
– Sustainable urban landscape
– New energies in architecture
– Energy planning in architecture and urban planning
– New methods and technologies in architecture and sustainable urban development

Urban Redevelopment:
– Conceptualization of urban regeneration in thought and practice
– Urban regeneration and quality of life
– Restoration of tissues and historical monuments
– Architecture and urban identity
– Urban graphics and street architecture

Important dates:
Deadline for submitting original articles: July 15, 1402
Announcement of the results of the arbitration: July 16, 1402
Registration deadline: July 15, 1402
Holding the conference: July 22, 1402

Address: Tehran, the end of Shahid Sattari Highway, Islamic Azad University of Tehran Science and Research Branch, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Art, Conference Secretariat
Phone: 35-44868607
Mobile: 00989393508047
Postal code: 1477893855

Related site:
Conference poster

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